Nyungar Birdiyia

 Cultural Context Services


Nyungar Birdiyia consults to infrastructure projects (road, rail and water) that are planned to take place on Noongar land.

Roma Loo and Gladys Yarran, 29 March 2021

For clients as diverse as state land development agencies, local councils, urban design consortia and cultural heritage bodies we identify key cultural, spiritual and ecological meanings residing in proposed sites and their adjoining environments. We interview traditional knowledge holders appointed by their communities to speak for the places in question. We provide specific advice about the integration of Noongar values into design, art and ongoing program.

Discussing the Public Transport Operations Control Centre (East Perth) project (Mort Hansen and Harry Nannup), 2/6/2020

When Nyungar Birdiyia began working with the Public Transport Authority of Western Australia (METRONET) in 2019 to develop Noongar Cultural Context Documents for a suite of rail infrastructure upgrades, we were beneficiaries of the Gnaala Biddi Indigenous Engagement Strategy. Our own consultation methodology builds on Gnaala Biddi and features two innovations:

  • Noongar to Noongar interviews. We have pioneered an informal at home method of interviewing Elders that eliminates the ethnographic framing of the dialogue. This facilitates a much rounder and wide-reaching conversation that gives full weight to contemporary Noongar experience.

  • Returning what is due. All too often Noongar men and women give their knowledge and get little back; multiple agencies may interview them on different occasions - and the different interviews are not cross-referenced. Much is lost and Elders feel exploited.

Nyungar Birdiyia and associates (26/8/2019) L. to r. Lynette Winmar, Vivienne Hansen, Neville Collard, Bella Bropho, Mort Hansen, Herbert Bropho

Nyungar Birdiyia takes steps to work with knowledge providers to ensure that their stories remain available to them, are held together and have the capacity to empower the communities themselves. We are proud of the fact that in 2021 our interviews for METRONET attracted a significant research grant from the Australian Research Council to write a community history of Noongar involvement in WA’s rail system.

Wherever research partnering can enrich our community spirit and agency, wherever it can add value to our client’s RAP and its company narrative, we are proactive in advocating ongoing communication and publication.