We tailor our services to you.
Our goal is bringing people together from different backgrounds, to build mutual understanding as the basis of walking side-by-side to the advantage of us all.
Our fundamental commitment is to communicating the Noongar values that reside in Country.
Country is heart, liver and lungs; it is family; it is Law.
So we very much favour sharing the wisdom of accumulated knowledge that comes from a continuous, sustainable occupation of this country that archaeological records inform us stretches back 65,000 years.
As a Noongar cultural agency, our relationship with our own communities is central. Led by Elder Uncle Neville Collard, Nyungar Birdiyia promotes the respectful invitation of appropriate Elders to participate in our work wherever possible.
When we consult, we listen to our client and we listen to our Elders: and we aim to commit all parties to going forward together.
We want to be a springboard for the next generations of Noongar community leaders, supporting this through the provision professional development opportunities.