Nyungar Birdiyia



Neville Collard

Uncle Neville Collard is a highly respected and locally well-known Nyungar Elder. Besides his family links throughout Whadjuk country, Neville has strong Ballardong connections. As a story custodian and Nyungar community leader, he works in partnership with Rottnest Island Board on cultural matters and Whadjuk burial sites redevelopment; he was previously responsible for developing the Noongar Outreach Service (Nyoongar Patrol). In 1991 he was the recipient of a world scholarship to travel to USA, New Zealand and UK to study with specialist law agencies including the FBI and Scotland Yard. Appointed a Justice of the Peace in 2002, he regularly consults to State government, local government and private business on Nyungar Cultural and Heritage issues. He is an excellent and collegiate communicator who enjoys wide respect across the Noongar community; he has an exceptional record of collaboration with local and state government authorities; and besides consulting on specific themes (cultural, historical and environmental), he is a tireless advocate of children’s cross cultural awareness and education,

Relevant to recent projects:

• our principal service provider is a direct descendant of William Thomas Bennell (Yelakitj) (1908-1989). Other teachers include Bill Winmar, Harry Nannup, late Dennis Davey One Arm Point, second father late Mr Stewart and Rogie Davey (Warburton Ranges).

• family custodianship of Whadjuk and Ballardong stories extends west of Perth (Fremantle, Garden Island etc), east Perth (Forrestfield-Ellenbrook, the escarpment), south Perth (inland Byford, coastal down to Gnaala Karla Boodja and through Brookton, Corrigin, Kondinin, Narembeen, Quairading and surrounding districts.

• 20 years tourism and heritage culture services in all facets of Nyungar culture (primary, high school, adults) Rottnest, Fremantle, Herdsman Lake, Point Walter, Fremantle, Scarborough, Joondalup, Wanneroo, Perth, Lake Monger, Swan River Upper Swan, Mandurah and a number of mining companies and government agencies.

• In 2004 established the Nyungar Know How program, which has been presented in schools all over metropolitan area. A particular achievement has been his award-winning cultural programs at Bold Park Community School and the Herdsman Wildlife Centre in Wembley. In 2006 he was awarded a West Coast Education District Education Award of Excellence by the then WA Minister for Education and Training.

• 2008 Establishes Yelakitj Moort Nyungar Association (YMNA); launched his Cultural Awareness Training program, a comprehensive introduction to national, regional and local Aboriginal cultures, histories and protocols. This widely praised presentation has been used consistently throughout the last decade in a wide variety of settings. Notable shorter versions tailored to individual clients include Cultural Knowledge and Sharing presentations for the City of Kalamunda and Subiaco Private Hospital.

• 2010-2011 Consultant to City of Joondalup (Plants and People in Mooro Country, Nyungar Plant Use in Yellagonga Regional Park). Many editions to present.

• 2010-2018 Cultural consultant and storyteller to WESROC commissioned Whadjuk Walking Trails (‘The unique combination of remnant bushlands, historical significance, and the connection with traditional owners places the Whadjuk Trails well ahead on the world stage’ – Steve Bennett, WA Department of Sport and Recreation, 2016).

• 2020 expands Nyungar Birdiyia and invites wadjella Paul Carter to be co-director – see ‘Gnarla Biddi breathes new life into business models’ at https://www.metronet.wa.gov.au/news-info/latest-news/gnarla-biddi-breathes-new-life-into-businessmodels. All intellectual property and executive control remain Noongar; in 2020-2021 Nyungar Birdiyia delivers METRONET Noongar Cultural Context Documents for Mandurah Station Carpark, Armadale Line Level Crossing Removal Projects, Public Transport Operations Control Centre, High Wycombe/Redcliffe Stations.


Paul Carter (born UK, 1951)

Paul Carter is a widely published author, prolific public artist and has made an exceptional contribution to Aboriginal-non-Aboriginal placemaking, particularly in the context of major urban and infrastructure projects. His succession of high-profile research positions attest to the professional recognition and esteem he enjoys. Among current appointments: City of Melbourne Public Art Advisory Panel, MRA Design Services Review Panel 2014-2020. He is an internationally sought public speaker and pre- and post-Covid has high profile invitations to speak in Italy, Germany and Scotland.


Relevant to recent projects:

• Educated Oxford University (BA 1972, MA 1975).

• 1975-1988 Independent cultural heritage studies (Italy, Spain, Australia).

• 1990-2003 Australian Research Council Research fellow, Australian Studies, university of Melbourne.

• 1996 – present Major public art commissions. Clients include: Adelaide Festival of the Arts, Sydney 2000 Olympics, Federation Square, Lend Lease, Northern Territory Government, Sydney University, Daisho (Brisbane), City of Stonnington, City of Greater Dandenong, Regional City of Mildura, Yagan Square, Scarborough Foreshore Redevelopment.

• 1987 – present Prolific author (20+ sole-authored books) including prize-winning titles such as The Road to Botany Bay, Material Thinking, Dark Writing and Amplifications.

• 2007 – present Establishes the creative research and design studio, Material Thinking and to the present has produced upwards of fifty major placemaking ‘creative templates; used widely in urban design and infrastructure projects. Key clients include: Lyons architecture, Aspect landscape design, City of Melbourne, John Holland & Partners, METRONET, the frmer Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority.

• 2004 – present. Successive senior academic research appointments. Professorial Research Fellow, Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, University of Melbourne (2004-2008); Professor and Chair of Creative Place Research, Faculty of Arts and Education, Deakin University (2009-2012); Professor of Design (Urbanism), School of Architecture and Urban Design, RMIT University (2013 – present).

• 2014-2018 Cultural/placemaking consultant to Yagan Square, provides ‘Anew Body, a creative template for Yagan Square’, adopted as a cultural engagement strategy guiding Noongar engagement.

• 2016-2017 Conceives, designs and delivers ‘Passenger’, a major public artwork at Yagan Square.

• 2015-2016 Cultural/placemaking consultant to the Scarborough Foreshore, provides ‘Scarborough Edge, a creative template for the Scarborough Foreshore redevelopment’ and co-produces (with Neville Collard and Richard Walley) the Noongar interpretative strategy, ‘The Tjunta Trail’.

• 2018 – present Material Thinking is co-recipient of the many design, urban design and cultural heritage awards that Yagan Square wins.’ These include The Pipes, a major sound and lighting installation at Prahran Square (City of Stonnington) with lighting artist Bruce Ramus and ‘Transplantations’, three artworks (‘Borders’, ‘Signatures’, ‘Unfolding Rose’) at the Springvale Community Centre, City of Greater Dandenong.

• 2019 Material Thinking wins contract to provide METRONET with Noongar Cultural Context Documents for Byford Extension, Morley-Ellenbrook line, Karnup and Lakeland Stations

• 2020 co-establishes Nyungar Birdiyia with Neville Collard. Nyungar Birdiyia provides METRONET Noongar Cultural Context Documents for Mandurah Station Carpark, Armadale Line Level Crossing Removal Projects, Public Transport Operations Control Centre, High Wycombe/Redcliffe Stations.

• 2021 Nyungar Birdiyia delivers ‘Location: Story Nets, A sense of place vision for the METRONET East Area.’ Client: Development WA. • 2021 Australian Research Council awards $400,000 to the project ‘Deep Timetable: a Noongar Rail History,’ led by Carter.